Soapwort Liquid / Soapwort Extract

Our company has prepared this soapwort root as ready to use as soapwort extract (Soapwort Liquid). Our production is carried out in the high technology automatic machines and in a hygienic environment without human intervention. Our production line is made of grade 316 L stainless steel down to the finest detail. We produce our soapwort extract as making Turkish delight and halva.

Transformation of Soapwort Root into Soapwort Liquid
Soapwort, a species belonging to the Caryophyllaceae family, is found in our country mainly in Van, Isparta, Çorum, Yozgat, Konya, Karaman and Ankara regions, and is rooted from there. This rooting work starts in May and continues until the end of July. The soapwort, which is cultivated particularly in Isparta and its surroundings, grows in nature by itself. Rooting is carried out by means of pickaxe, digging fork, hoe etc. by the local people who is very familiar with the soapwort. However, the work does not end with this, sometimes the shell part around the root is peeled and then drying process is started. Drying is performed outdoors and in batches. It is then shipped to merchants / crops processing plants either by baling or filling into sacks. While previously every halva / Turkish delight enterprise produced its own Soapwort Liquid, today almost all of the enterprises prefer the Soapwort Liquid product produced in modern facilities. Many years ago, the production of Soapwort Liquid was very troublesome in enterprises that produced Soapwort Liquid on their own (based on employee power). Namely, in the summer months when the works are getting slower, all the fingers of the staff, who are given an adze to cut soapwort having a quite hard root into small pieces and prepare them for the boiling process, are bandaged. It is almost impossible to come across a region with no adze marks on the hands of the staff who struggles with soapwort root. Anyway, the roots are broken down, now it is to time to boil them. Here it comes to first boiling, second boiling, third boiling, and finally Soapwort Liquid is ready. This time, it would be a challenge for the business manager to store the Soapwort Liquid produced and to preserve it healthily. Nowadays, roots coming to the soapwort processing plant are sorted out and broken down in mills specially designed for soapwort roots and then boiling process is started. In the facility, which has been designed specifically for the product, the Soapwort Liquid produced in accordance with the customer requirements is placed on the market as pasteurized.

Areas of Use
As we mentioned at the beginning of our article, the soapwort and halva have become so identical that they are also referred to as "halva herb". However, its use is not limited to halva. In addition to tahini halva, it is used as the main ingredient in products such as sultan delight, wafer halva, kerebich, which is a dessert that is unique to Mersin, and Zile molasses derived from Zile in Tokat, due to its emulsifying, bleaching, tenderizing and bulking properties. In addition to its use in the above-mentioned industrial products, it is also used in local products such as May seven halva, soapwort bread and foam halva. In addition, it is said that the Soapwort Liquid added to the brine of some local cheeses preserves the product against spoilage. Apart from the food industry, it is also stated that it has been used for developing photographs and x-ray films and polishing the gold in the past. When herbal drugs are prepared and used in the form of ointment, due to its expectorant feature in medicine, the information that it prevents acne and removes the spots on the body generally takes a large place in blogs and personal care sites.

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Our Food Engineer